ANALYSIS: A shifting demographic for storied Yale crew: International athletes elevate the Elis

[raw num=”1″ align=”stretch”] [bylines] At Yale, in the Ivy League and across the country, no college sport maintains as much history as crew. In 1843, Yale started the first college boat club in America, and on an August day nine years later, the Elis challenged Harvard on the waters of Lake Winnipesaukee in New Hampshire. […]

UP CLOSE: Prisons hit by a pandemic

[raw num=”1″ align=”stretch”] [bylines] In January 2017, Patrick Camera complained to the medical staff of Osborn Correctional Institution about ongoing sinus and nasal pain. During the months that followed, Camera repeatedly visited the medical unit, sometimes multiple times a day, to get Tylenol or Motrin for his bleeding nose. But after a June chest x-ray […]

UP CLOSE | Piece by piece: The art of representative concert programming

[raw num=”1″ align=”stretch”] [bylines] DAYBREAK IN FLORIDA: The Yale Symphony Orchestra The sound of an oboe emerges from a fluttering musical backdrop. It spins a somber, yet hopeful, song. The fluttering fades and morphs into a dancing flute melody, evoking the image of a rising sun. “Daybreak — Dance” is the first movement of British […]

UP CLOSE | Yale Online: Can a remote education compare?

[raw num=”1″ align=”stretch”] [bylines] In front of a crowded bookshelf, history professor David Blight stands alone. What was once taught in a packed lecture hall is now taught in an empty room, save for Blight and a masked camera operator. It’s his fourth recorded lecture on the Civil War. It’s the “Corona semester,” he says. […]

Abuse and fear at the Yeshiva of New Haven

[raw num=”1″ align=”stretch”] [bylines] Rabbi Daniel Greer LAW ’64 was once a venerated leader for New Haven’s Orthodox Jews. Now, he’s serving a 20-year prison sentence for sexually abusing a student at the Yeshiva of New Haven — a case that stunned the community and laid bare the culture of abuse at his religious schools. […]

UP CLOSE: With success against the spread, Yale men’s basketball wins support of sports bettors

[raw num=”1″ align=”stretch”] [bylines] Sports betting has created an unusual source of national attention for the Bulldogs this season, as angry strangers comment critically on players’ social media accounts and the Yale program as a whole still feels underestimated. Dave Portnoy, brazen internet celebrity, pizza critic and founder of Barstool Sports, placed his bet at […]

After Life: Muslim Deathcare in New Haven

[raw num=”1″ align=”stretch”] [bylines] Secular regulations hinder Muslim burial practices in Connecticut When a Muslim woman dies in New Haven or a nearby town, Sana Fatima Farooqi is informed by the local imam. She finds someone to take care of her sons for the hours that she will be gone. Then she messages one of […]